Before we can figure out if clear aligners are the right fit for you, we need some basic diagnostic records. These give us a good look at your teeth, your bite, and how your jaws are sitting, so we can work out if treatment is possible and what kind of results you can expect.

The better the records you send, the better advice we can give. It’s all about making sure we set you up with a plan that actually works and gets you the results you’re hoping for.

If you’re really wanting the most thorough evaluation possible, we also suggest sending a couple of postural photos. These are totally optional, but they help us check things like your airway and overall posture, which can sometimes play a big part in how your teeth and jaws are working together.

These help to see what is happening in the mouth

intra oral photos

Top and Bottom View

Face views- This first image from the side with a full smile is most important

Postural photos in relaxed natural position

Only if you want to get the full airway and posture relationship evaluated

X-Ray – This kind really helps

If possible but not essential

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